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Christmas Traditions in Florida

Christmas Traditions in Florida "Christmas in Florida is a walk on the beach." Untitled Image #1
Christmas is certainly celebrated differently in Florida. You'll enjoy getting warm on white sand beaches while holding ice cold drinks instead of having fun in the snow, hanging out by fires, or donning sweaters and drinking warm eggnog.   If you're coming home for Christmas or just a visitor, You will enjoy Christmas in Florida with its warm climate, beaches, and special warm weather Christmas traditions. Here are the best ways our Sunshine State locals enjoy the "winter season" in the most Floridian Way

Christmas Decorations Florida Style Untitled Image #2 Of course! Almost every home still has a Christmas tree. Although everyone still appreciates the traditional Christmas tree with its fresh pine scent, some Floridians may choose to decorate their trees differently.

This is the Sunshine State, where people love beaches, sand, and shells. As a result, you may notice starfish, seashells, and even decorate pineapples for the festivities. It's Christmas, but with a tropical twist. Why not put holiday decorations in palm trees? Since there are so many trees in this area, it is a good idea to use a different variety. Christmas Beachwear  Untitled Image #3 Santa hats on the beach, why not? On a typical Christmas winter some might wear boots and sweaters.  Residents may wear shorts and flip flops due to the warm weather, as they do the rest of the year, but they may also wear something with Christmas themes. So expect to see Floridians wearing flip flops and even swimwear to celebrate the Christmas season.

Things to do in Florida, Only in Florida Santas Surfing the Beach 
Christmas Traditions Florida Image #1
Yes, you read that correctly: Santas, not just Santa. Thousands of costumed surfers and spectators flock to the Central Florida shoreline on Christmas Eve morning. Surfing Santas is an annual event in Cocoa Beach that draws hundreds of surfers of all ages dressed as Santa, his helpers, and elves. Costumes are as diverse as the individuals who wear them. Others wear holiday-themed tropical shirts or swimsuits, while some wear Santa suits. In an annual costume contest, the most festive beachgoer wins a custom surfboard. Source:

 Christmas Party with Mickey Christmas Traditions Florida Image #2Image from
Every year, Disney's Magic Kingdom hosts a more magical Christmas celebration. At Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party, guests can interact with all of their favorite characters while eating holiday treats, dancing, caroling, and watching the sky light up with fireworks. It snows, which is a bonus for those who yearn for northern winters. Source

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Advanced Realty
Advanced Realty